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Words that bring life

It's one week today until my surgery. The surgery that will remove the non cancerous solid mass from my body. So far I am at peace about it. I know that it is a standard procedure, but I also know that every surgery comes with risks!

I believe that one of the reasons for my peace is the fact that so many of my friends and family have spoken kind words of encouragement to me. Words that have reassured me that they care and that they are interested in me, that they are praying for me. Thank you friends and family. I love you!

This leads me to want to say something about our words. We can speak to people in many ways that can have a profound and lasting effect on them.


Find every opportunity to speak loving, encouraging uplifting words to your people. Even when you are angry, annoyed or frustrated try to take a moment to think about your words. It is so easy to use the put down, call names and be abusive when you're feeling hurt.So often we speak words of hurt and abuse to the ones we are meant to love the most, our family!

But what if we started being more intentional about how we say things? We have power to change people and situations with our words. We can discipline and rebuke someone without having to break their spirit. We can also find the good in others and then speak it to them in encouragements and compliments. But it must be true and from your heart.

A few simple words that I like to try and use are thank you and I appreciate you and what you are doing. Don't just say it like you mean it but really do mean it!

These lyrics from a Toby Mac song "Speak Life" have been a reminder to me of the power of our words and their effect on the hearer.

Today, when you speak, SPEAK LIFE!

You are all Gods amazing, beautiful, unique creations, made with an individual plan and purpose for your life. There is no one else like you. You are fabulous just the way you are!

Thank you XXX

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