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Birthdays, back injuries,holidays and many other excuses!

So I had a little break from blogging!

I’m still trying to work out how to maintain a website, make product, have some touch and feel stalls and write blogs. It's not a new problem. I like many people are a great starter, full of enthusiasm and great ideas until something else takes priority. I need to work on being more balanced!

Here’s a snippet of what’s been happening:

Believe it or not these two are twins (and my granddaughters) and it was their fourth birthday recently. How did that happen? Wasn’t their mother just turning 4 the other day? What about that cake?! They requested a dinosaur cake with sprinkles, and a jellybean smile, and unicorns (which are the candle/spikes along the back) Their mum delivered well and truly!

Then one of my daughters had a significant birthday so we had a family weekend retreat with this above as the backyard!

In Mid-winter we were "forced" to go to Hervey Bay in Queensland to meet up with our relatives who were visiting from the Netherlands. So so beautiful except I had extreme back pain all week from a silly twist and bend movement while painting a week earlier :( Such a great time catching up with family who we rarely see but feel so connected to.

Early September I had my first market stall as SuzziMaggs. A great deal of preparation went into this and I need to thank my husband Rick for building me walls for my stall and my daughter Beunka for painting the wardrobe. We had a lovely day, sold a few things and thanked God that we were facing the right direction as the wind grew stronger throughout the day. I hope to do more market stalls soon.

Later in September I helped plan our sleep at home church camp. It was all about connecting with the Creator, His people and the community.You can't really see it here but we have a ball of wool that we are throwing from one to another and telling the group our favourite food or colour and why it is. There is a large woollen spider web looking thing in the circle. It really was a great time of making connections and learning that having a working and growing connection to the Creator through knowing His word, the Bible makes all the other connections work better.

Then there was the trip to Taronga Zoo Sydney which had been promised for a birthday back in May, before my health issues. Such a beautiful day!

I've been teaching Mixed Media art classes.........way too much fun!

Packing christmas boxes for the Samaritans Purse. Under our fearless leader Liz (also the local coordinator) we packed 142 boxes!

Raised a mountain!

Flattened a mountain!

Welcomed spring!

And got to hang out with these gorgeous ones.

The age old problem of the passing of time. We all have it and we’re pretty good at losing track of it. Especially when we’re in the blur of establishing a career, maybe committing to a long term partner in marriage, having children or just trying to do all the things. For me it’s always moving too fast, I’m not getting to do everything I want to do and I’m probably spending too much time looking at everything I’m not doing!

Time to rethink, prioritise and try to work out how to fit it all in. And if i'm honest, I will probably spend the rest of my life doing this. So, I have put this verse on my phone screen to act as a reminder of how I should plan my days.

"Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love,

for I put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go,

for to You I entrust my life" Psalm 143:8

Thank you for reading, I hope to write again very soon!

Love Suzanne

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