To some people it may seem that I have become a bit extreme with this wardrobe revolution that I have embarked on, but I can tell you now that I am learning heaps about myself. Like how I view my body and the way my clothes fit me, and that I need to stop hating what I see in the mirror because it doesn’t help me in any way become a better version of myself.
I have gotten rid of probably one quarter of my clothes over the last few weeks, I still have a few items in my waiting basket that I want to alter or remake when I have time and inspiration, and I have kept a couple of items simply for sentimental reasons. Along the way I have been honing in on my own current fashion styling preferences.
This week I got serious about making my own styling vision board. Old school like, with a cork board and paper and pins.
First of all I gathered information in the form of pictures ( mostly printed off the internet) of fashion styles and colour schemes that appeal to me. Maybe just a neckline or a cinched in waist, colours, layers or a feeling that the picture evokes. I also tore pages out of magazines and found some sewing patterns and fabric swatches that jumped out at me.
Then began the laying down of what I had collected. I didn't pin anything in place at this stage, knowing that things would all move around until I was satisfied with the end look. Layer number one was the largest pages that I pulled from magazines which had colour combinations or a mood that I liked.
In the next layer I began to place the smaller pictures of the clothes and colours that I like. I decided to kind of group them according to their main colour, and have ended up with one side mostly cool greens and blues and the other side more reds and pinks. Once happy with the layout I pinned everything in place
One of the magazine pages that I had pulled out had the word 'patterns' on it which was very appropriate to what I was now looking at on my board, and what was becoming very clear to me as something that I love. I decided that a few words of explanation would be a good idea.
Along with that word, I already had the word 'Clarity' cut out and that is just what I am trying to achieve through this wardrobe revolution so it was perfect to add to my board.
The other word that I decided to look for was 'Layers' and since most of my magazine collection are about mixed media art it didn't take long to find this word in print, however I could have also hand written it or printed it off in any of the hundreds of font that are available today. This word has so many meanings to me. I am really interested in fashion styling which incorporates layers, and I am learning about the many many layers involved in trying to run a small business. But also I personally am keen to explore the many layers that make up who we are as people, community and society, and in particular how mankind relates to the Creator God.
Layers run deep! and I can get lost when I begin to think about the infinite layers that make up this world. From the super rich, to the child sold into sexual slavery. From the pristine photographs of the natural world that pop up on my social media to the barren devastation brought on by natural disasters. And from the political arena to the conspiracy theorists.
Having a deeply empathetic personality, I find that thinking about these layers can become overwhelming with all the unanswerable questions right there in front of me. All I can say is that having a faith in the one Creator God who has control of His creation and who created me good, with a plan for my existence brings a peace (even though I haven't figured it all out ). As Jesus himself says in the book of John in the bible "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27 NIV
Now back to my vision styling board. The final layers I have added to the board are a bunch of fabric swatches, the copied front cover of some sewing patterns that I feel I could adapt to make clothes that would go along with my styling, and some sayings that inspire me to keep working towards being more me.
My board is busy and colourful and complex, much like what is going on inside my head most of the time. Someone else's board might feature only one or two colours or a completely different style of fashion like activewear or cooperate wear. Since each one of us is unique in shape, colour, size and preferrences, so should our fashion be.
Other places to seek inspiration are fashion catalogues, watching fashion week catwalk shows, fabric store catalogues and your own wardrobe. Just begin to take note of what inspires you.
Over the next week I am going to keep my board in my bedroom and see how I can create looks from the clothes in my wardrobe that are inspired by it.
Thank you for reading and I would truly appreciate it if you would share this with a friend who you think would appreciate it.
Love Suzanne
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